Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sunshine-y Day.

Fortunately the bug we caught in New York (probably from that blasted subway) was not bad and I woke up feeling 90% after going to bed trusting that a truck running me over would have been relief.  Expecting to feel terrible and instead feeling amazing is the sweetest thing.  Thank you Jesus.  Thumbs up is a really cool way of showing how fun you are.  Take it from me. 

It was so nice to drink coffee, eat breakfast, take my Luke for a walk in the sunshine, watch news and catch up on emails from my living room.  I love mornings that feel normal and aren't clouded in a flu-ish haze.  Sick days are weird.  I've been going through kale like no one's business and praying it is the miracle food I think it is.  Just to note, pink bags for his poop just suggest how comfortable he is with his masculinity. 

Today is the start of a short work week but I love the routine of it.  Yoga, Oatmeal, Coffee, Good Morning America, The Word, all fill up my routine and create a calm before heading out the door to pick up more coffee, open mail, respond to emails, return calls, schedule, go to meetings, and drive around Tampa like a city bus.  After I quit teaching I didn't work for about six months and filled up my time redecorating our house, running, swimming, and watching silly ABC Family TV shows.  The ladies on The View were my friends every morning at 10am.  It was a fun time to lunch with my friends, shop with my mom, and hang with my dog, but having purpose is so crucial to my well being.  I need to product, to create, to go, to feel like waking up is needed and going to bed is deserved. 

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20

I am not my own, my life, my body, were bought with a tremendous price and that price was so monumental that the dedicated watching of four ladies (or five depending on how dramatic the news of the prior day was) hash out current events seems like a poor way to spend 5 hours each week.  This is not to condemn anyone that likes the View (I still watch it on days off), or running each morning, or having lunch with their friends, those memories are sweet and to be cherished, but after those memories being my routine each day I went to bed each night feeling un-accomplished.  All of this rambling to say I'm glad to be back to my normal routine of being productive in between traveling.  Tangents are my middle name. 

Last night I got the opportunity to celebrate a wonderful friend and Aunt who is turning ** this year and in Tampa to party it up.  She is precious and has had a tough couple (more than a couple) of years and watching her claw through life even though it's hard and sometimes it sucks and is not fair has been admirable.  She is feisty and is always honest and I loved being able to surprise her on her birthday with her friends and family. 
Happy Birthday Aunt Janet!! 
 PS- I'm so sorry Donna made you wear that pin on your birthday, not fair:)

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